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Singen The Free Electric Band Karaoke - Albert Hammond - MP3 Karaoke

Die Aufnahme ist eine Coverversion des Songs The Free Electric Band im Stil von: Albert Hammond

Enthaltene Formate:


Das Format CDG (auch genannt CD+G oder MP3+G) ist mit den meisten Karaokemaschinen verwendbar. Es beinhaltet MP3 und synchronisierte Liedtexte. (Karaoke Version verkauft keine CDs, sondern ausschließlich digitale Dateien).

Es ist standardmäßig möglich, MP4-Dateien auf MAC OS X und Windows7 abzuspielen.
Wenn Sie Windows XP oder Vista benutzen, können Sie den Windows Media Player 12 nutzen.

Dieses Format ist geeignet für den KaraFun Windows Player, eine kostenlose Karaoke-Software. Es ermöglicht das Hinzufügen oder Entfernen von Hintergrundgesang, Leadstimme oder das Ändern von Tempo und Tonlage.

Ihr Einkauf erlaubt Ihnen Ihr Video so oft Sie es wünschen in diesen Formaten herunterzuladen.

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Mit Hintergrund-Gesangsstimme (wahlweise in der KFN-Version)

Tempo: variabel (ca. 99 BPM)

In der gleichen Tonart wie das Original: C-Dur

Dauer: 03:30 - Vorschau auf: 01:16

Veröffentlichung: 1973
Musikrichtungen: Pop, Rock, Englisch
Original Songwriter: Albert Louis Hammond, Mike Hazelwood

Der gesamte Inhalt auf unserer Website wird vollständig von unseren Musikern im Studio reproduziert. Wir verwenden keine Teile der Originalaufnahmen und nutzen in keiner Weise AI-Stem-Trennungstechnologie.

Text The Free Electric Band

My father is a doctor he's a family man
My mother works for charity whenever she can
They're both good clean Americans who abide by the law
And they both stick up for liberty and they both support the war
My happiness was paid for when they laid their money down
For summers in a summer camp and winters in the town
My future in the system was talked about and planned
But I gave it up for music and the free electric band
I went to school in hand-washed shirts with neatly ordered hair
And the school was big and newly
Built and filled with light and air
And the teacher taught us values that we had to learn to keep
And he clipped the ear of many idle kid who went to sleep
To my father organized for me a college in the East
But I went to California the sunshine and the beach
My parents and my lecturers could never understand
Why I gave it up for music and the free electric band
Well they used to sit and speculate upon their son's career
A lawyer or a doctor or a civil engineer
Just give me bread and water put a guitar in my hand
'Cos all I need is music and the free electric band
My father sent me money and I spent it very fast
On a girl I met in Berkeley in a social science class
Yes and we learned about her body but her mind we didn't know
Until deep-rooted attitudes and morals began to show
She wanted to get married even though she never said
And I knew her well enough by now to see inside her head
She'd settle for suburbia and a little patch of land
So I gave her up for music and the free electric band
Ooh the free electric band ooh the free electric band
Ooh the free electric band ooh the free electric band
Ooh the free electric band ooh the free electric band

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