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Singen Finale (The Show Must Go On) Karaoke - Hazbin Hotel - MP3 Karaoke

Die Aufnahme ist eine Coverversion des Songs Finale im Stil von: Hazbin Hotel

Enthaltene Formate:


Das Format CDG (auch genannt CD+G oder MP3+G) ist mit den meisten Karaokemaschinen verwendbar. Es beinhaltet MP3 und synchronisierte Liedtexte. (Karaoke Version verkauft keine CDs, sondern ausschließlich digitale Dateien).

Es ist standardmäßig möglich, MP4-Dateien auf MAC OS X und Windows7 abzuspielen.
Wenn Sie Windows XP oder Vista benutzen, können Sie den Windows Media Player 12 nutzen.

Dieses Format ist geeignet für den KaraFun Windows Player, eine kostenlose Karaoke-Software. Es ermöglicht das Hinzufügen oder Entfernen von Hintergrundgesang, Leadstimme oder das Ändern von Tempo und Tonlage.

Ihr Einkauf erlaubt Ihnen Ihr Video so oft Sie es wünschen in diesen Formaten herunterzuladen.

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Mit Hintergrund-Gesangsstimme (wahlweise in der KFN-Version)

Tempo: variabel (ca. 154 BPM)

In der gleichen Tonart wie das Original: A♭, B♭m, F♯m, G-Moll, G-Dur

Der Song beginnt a capella

Dauer: 03:51 - Vorschau auf: 01:54

Veröffentlichung: 2024
Musikrichtungen: TV- & Filmmusik, Musicals & Broadway, Englisch
Original Songwriter: Andrew Underberg, Samuel Haft

Der gesamte Inhalt auf unserer Website wird vollständig von unseren Musikern im Studio reproduziert. Wir verwenden keine Teile der Originalaufnahmen und nutzen in keiner Weise AI-Stem-Trennungstechnologie.

Text Finale

He did it for us
The ultimate sacrifice
He gave me his trust and look how we pay the price
This bloodshed could have been avoided if I convinced Heaven to work together
I took a hotel and I destroyed it
I know I could have done better
Better instead of lettin' you down
Come on little lady
Why the frown
In the last ten-thousand years
You're the first one to change this town
You can do this
Now I know it
For your story has just begun
You can't quit now
Hell you owe it
There's still damage to be undone
You've changed my mind
You've touched their hearts
From the good and souls gone bad
The stage is wrecked
The crowd is gone but by God Charlie the show it must go on
We can do this
We can build it
Best hotel that you've ever seen
Twice the bedrooms
We can fill it with more sinners than you can dream
It starts with you
You know it's true
It starts with you
You know it's true
Fulfill your destiny
Fulfill your destiny
So long as I've got all of you with me
To build a hotel I think we need some brick and lumber
Uh hum
Good thing we're in Hell
Check out this little magic number
Start with foundation
A remedial creation for me
It's as easy as can be
No time for cryin'
It's as easy as can be
Ha ha
We've got a lot of work to do and
We gotta try and make the best of what's in ruins
New coat of paint
New lights across the marquee
With a little sorcery
Ah sorcery
After the battle
Masterless cattle
Overlords hangin' by a thread
With a bit of bravado maybe tomorrow we'll be atop the heap
While the rest of Hell's pissin'
Alastor's missin'
Fled with his tail between his legs
Nature abhors a power vacuum that leaves room for you and me
The future of Hell belongs to the Vees
Muah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
This place reeks of death
There's a chill in the air
And I barely escaped bein' killed by a hair
Great Alastor, altruist
Died for his friends
Sorry to disappoint
That is not where this ends
I'm hungry for freedom like never before
The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor
Once I figure out how to unclip my wings guess who will be pullin' all the strings ah ha ha ha ha
We can do this
We'll be better
We can do this
We'll be better
Though redemption may take a while
Though it may take a while
Wayward sinners clear their ledger
And we're doin' it with a smile
Oh this guy
We've made a difference
Wait and see
We're gonna do this you and me
And then tomorrow it will be a fuckin' happy day
And then tomorrow it will be a fuckin' happy day in Hell in Hell

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